The “Zoom in on migrations” screening is a selection of the most interesting films about emigration in its various aspects. There is absolutely no propaganda in these productions. The curator’s idea was to create a diverse and nuanced image of migration in different parts of the world, one that focuses on individuals and their problems and avoids stereotypes, which in turn reminds us of the human aspect of this problem instead of the political one.


Screening curator: Maciej Misztal


Tunes of Sanatorium, dir. Leylakhanim Leyla Ganbarli (Azerbaijan) 2022, 15’, 13+
A former Soviet sanatorium is a shelter for displaced people who fled their homes during the Nagorno Karabakh War in the early 90s. For 30 years, everyone has been living in terrible conditions, with no hope for a better future. Film presented at Ji.hlava IDFF. Polish premiere.


Before Leaving, dir. Yan Kunao (China) 2023, 17’, 15+
Xiao Jun is about to leave China to study abroad. He visits his grandparents after two years of separation to finish the photography assignment about his family. Polish premiere.



Guerra tra poveri, dir. Kassim Yassin Saleh (Italy) 2022, 15’, 15+
In one of Rome’s suburbs, a mother and her two sons are evicted from their home. The two brothers, convinced that it is being reassigned to an immigrant family, will decide to take justice into their own hands. Polish premiere.



Go West, dir. Markus Zizenbacher (France) 2022, 20’, 13+
A 28-year-old Afgan, Sabur, arrives at the house of Barbara, who makes it her mission to prepare refugees for life in the west. Each day of the stay is filled with repetitive activities. The routine gives Sabur a sense of stability, but over time, the man looks for a way to become independent. Film presented at Vienna Shorts. Polish premiere.


Home of the Heart, dir. Sarah Saidan (France) 2022, 15’, 13+
Omid is an Iranian immigrant who came to France with his family. One evening on the street, he is attacked and stabbed in the heart. But Omid does not die. At the hospital, the diagnosis is surprising: he doesn’t have a heart. Has he left it behind in Iran? Film presented at Clermont-Ferrand ISFF.


Nov 22 2023


19:10 - 20:35




Main Performance Room, Centre for Culture in Lublin
Peowiaków 12