We have touched the topic of Ukraine many times in previous editions of our festival, but this year we will take a slightly different approach on Ukrainian films. The works presented in this block, except for the Souls of Ukraine animation, were created before February 24, in much calmer (yet not peaceful) times. In seven glances on Ukraine, we will see films hitting the verge points of the film scale – from war drama to light comedy.


Souls of Ukraine, dir. Volunteer Animation of Ukraine (Ukraine) 2022, 13+, 2’
Sitting in the comfortable armchairs of movie theaters in a country untouched by the invasion, we can focus on watching movies from around the world. However, many of our Ukrainian neighbors have completely different problems.


The Earth is Spinning, dir. Olena Kyrychenko (Ukraine) 2021, 21’, 16+
In the spring of 2020, a lockdown was introduced in Ukraine. The director, who has been visiting her family house only on holidays, now has to stay there for longer. It turns out to be an opportunity to sort out memories and clash with reality. Film presented at e.g Visions du Réel IFF. Polish premiere.


El Vulcano, dir. Oleksandr Hoisan (Ukraine) 2020, 14’, 15+
A boy who knows everything about dinosaurs, without losing stubbornness, is constantly digging in hopes of finding something truly amazing. Film presented at e.g. Febiofest Bratislava IFF. Polish premiere.


Mam, dir. Anna Gnatenko-Shabaldina (Ukraine) 2021, 16’, 16+
Vira, a mother of two, feels overwhelmed by an excess of responsibilities, crashing routine, and her husband’s lack of support. Will a woman exhausted to the limit find a way out of a difficult life situation? Polish premiere.


What Shall We Do With These Buildings?, dir. Jonathan Ben-Shaul (Ukraine) 2022, 28’, 15+
What to do with the Soviet buildings in Kharkiv? Should they be preserved, repurposed? What power do they have over the way people think and interact with their environment? The film was shot in September 2021. Polish premiere.


Troia, dir. Andrey Naumenko (Ukraine) 2022, 3’, 15+
Troy is about the episodes of everyday life in Troyshchyna, the outskirts of ​​Kiev. Here is the place where the director was born, grew up, and lives now. Here you will understand that you cannot judge the book by its cover and that events can take unexpected turns.


Valera, dir. Olga Artushevska (Ukraine) 2022, 15’, 13+
One morning Valera wakes up as a people’s hero, but the problem is that he can’t remember anything… Polish premiere.


Nov 20 2022


20:00 - 21:40




Main Performance Room, Centre for Culture in Lublin
Peowiaków 12