The Fokus: Idea competition includes films that surprise with their form and approach to the subject. Their authors often use well-known conventions to tell in an unusual way about problems and phenomena seemingly incompatible with a comedy or a musical. They prove that cinema can still be surprising.


Censor of Dreams, dir. Leo Berne, Raphaël Rodriguez (France) 2021, 18’, 16+
Every night, The Censor and his team moderate Yoko’s dreams. Tonight nothing happens as planned. Film presented at e.g. SXSW and Warsaw Film Festival.


Tundra, dir. José Luis Aparicio (Cuba) 2021, 30’, 18+
Walfrido, a lonely electrical inspector, obsessively dreams of the Red Woman. Something tells him she is near. Over the course of a day, Walfrido follows her trail as he travels through the suburbs of an infested city. Film presented at e.g. IFF in Locarno and Sundance FF. Polish premiere.


The Chair, dir. Kamil Krukowski (Poland) 2022, 26’, 13+
Andrzej is a quiet and secretive chair tester with extraordinary power to help him work in a small factory. He has a secret crush on the secretary, and his life is made difficult by the chief designer. The situation changes when Witek – a young, ambitious boy who wants to follow Andrzej’s footsteps – appears in the factory.


Nov 25 2022


17:00 - 18:30


8.00 PLN

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Main Performance Room, Centre for Culture in Lublin
Peowiaków 12
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