Everything is possible in the animated world: a dramatic transformation from human into a chair, a washing machine with extremely feminine features, or a poigning protest song about the situation in Belarus. All of this so we can look at the reality from a greater distance. The power of animation lies in a combination of an unusual form and often a surprising message.
How My Grandmother Became a Chair, dir. Nicolas Fattouh (Liban/Lebanon) 2020, 10’, 15+

An ageing grandmother loses her senses, one after the other before finally becoming a wooden chair. Throughout her transformation, she realizes that her housekeeper is not the wild animal she once thought she was, but the caring and loyal family member she was sadly lacking. Film presented at KFF.

Love in the Times of Coal-Based Economy, dir. Tomasz Siwiński (Poland) 2021, 12’, 18+

Winter 1963 in Poland was the harshest in many years. Zbyszek, overwhelmed by the cold and his work in a mine, attempts to commit the suicide. Only a voice-over from the TV and his love for Alina , a mine crane operator, keep him alive. Will the energy emanating from a lump of coal give him enough strength to survive? Film presented at IAFF Animator.

Orbit, dir. Tess Martin (Netherlands) 2019, 7’, 15+

Spinning drawings guide us along the flow of energy through our planet, and let us ponder our place in the natural cycle.



Silent Embassies, dir. Daniel Höpfner (Germany) 2020, 15’, 15+

A bird-like creature explores the abandoned embassies. Objects that have been motionless for years come to life for a moment. Film awarded at ISFF Animator.


Mr Practical, dir. Michał Poniedzielski, Dominik Litwiniak (Poland) 2020, 10’, 12+

Mr.Practical does only those things that are important and useful. Instead of dreams he has plans. And that’s fine, someone will say, plans are cool and it’s none of our business. That would be perfectly right, if only Mr.Practical was happy…

Ashes, dir. Joanna Dudek (Poland) 2021, 8’, 15+

Danuta, the narrator and the grandmother of the director, travels in time to tell her life story. It is a sentimental voyage back to the moments spent with the love of her life, Edward. Film presented e.g. at Tribeca FF.


Dog’s Field, dir. Michalina Musialik (Poland) 2020, 12’, 16+

When an elderly woman unexpectedly falls to the floor, her pets are left on their own. Two dogs, a cat and a bird have to fend for themselves, which gets more and more difficult when food becomes scarce. Film awarded at Kraków FF.

Tomorrow, dir. Marharita Tsikhanovich (Belarus) 2021, 3’, 15+

Freedom is inside all of us. This animation is a gesture of solidarity with all political prisoners in Belarus. The authors of the film, in turn, also went to prison, after which this project was born. Polish premiere.


Washing Machine, dir. Alexandra Májová (Czech Republic) 2020, 5’, 16+

A remarkable parable of human relationships. Only in this film, instead of with a woman, a man is trying to solve problems with a troublesome home appliance. Film presented at Animafest Zagreb.


Nov 21 2021


16:30 - 17:50