The fear in the cinema can be caused not only by bloody horrors. Sometimes it is enough for a film to reach out to our deeply hidden phobias and anxieties. Watching the films selected for What We Fear, we don’t have to be frightened, but the main characters certainly have a problem with it.
We finish issuing tickets 30 minutes before the screening or when there are no more left.




The Nest, dir. Phil-Sung Yim (Republic of Korea) 2018, 22’

A married couple wants to adopt a cute little girl. But instead of a new daughter, they get an annoying little boy. The family’s life becomes a nightmare.

Polish premiere.





Ifigeneia: No More Tears, dir. George Georgakopoulos (Greece) 2019, 18’

Ifigeneia is visiting for the first time her future husband’s family home. Instead of dessert, she brings along a little girl and she makes an impression on family and friends. But with the sudden appearance of two intolerance auditors things get complicated.

Film presented at Athens IFF. Polish premiere.




Security, dir. Vera Pirogova (Russian Federation) 2020, 21’

The security guard detains a teenage girl, who sneaks into the desolate factory. While waiting for the guard’s boss, they are getting to know each other better.

Polish premiere.





The Lady from 406, dir. Kyoungmi Lee (Republic of Korea) 2018, 15’

The tenant from the apartment no. 406 is disturbed by cigarette smoke coming from the ventilation duct. The annoyed woman knocks on the door of apartment 306, intending to start an argument. But the neighbour tells her something strange…

Starring Yeong-ae Lee, known from Chan-wook Park’s Lady Vengeance. Polish premiere.




Short Calf Muscle, dir. Victoria Warmerdam (Netherlands) 2019, 13’

Anders is different. Yes, he’s also gay, but that’s not the point here. There is also this thing that others see but he doesn’t.

Polish premiere.




Nov 27 2020


21:30 - 23:00

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