Performative reading of “The Futurological Congress” by Stanislaw Lem on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. It is the second expedition and meeting of theater directors with the master’s works, this time referring to film adaptations of Lem’s works which the author himself did not particularly like. The reading is also the closing of the first stage of work on the performance, the premiere of which is planned for the future.

Event organized in co-production with Czytelnia Dramatu

Directed by: Daniel Adamczyk, Maciej Gorczyński
Read by: Jarosław Tomica, Michał Jóźwik
Music: Szczepan Pospieszalski
Joanna Szczęsnowicz – violin
Jan Jaworski – violin
Jan Tarkowski – cello

Czytelnia Dramatu supports and popularizes modern Polish dramatic texts by means of performative readings combined with meetings with the authors, performances based on the latest drama or author’s theater, workshops, meetings and discussions. By organizing supra-institutional events, it brings together actors, directors and professional and amateur animators, involving universities and initiating a discussion on the current state of Polish drama.

Event supported by: www.roklema.pl
Event in Polish.


Nov 26 2021


21:00 - 22:30