What is home? A concrete building, a safe space or an abstract concept? Maybe all at once or none of the above…
Il Vespista, dir. Francesco Crivaro (Estonia) 2021, 25’, 13+
Giorgio has found his second home in Bali. He spends his days wandering around, drinking whiskey and flirting with tourists and pretending to write a novel. Wayan is a waiter owing to a local gangster, who hopes to pay his debt. Giorgio decides to give him help. Polish premiere.


A Bat, dir. Hong-rae Lee (Republic of Korea) 2020, 17’, 13+
The security guard goes to the basement of the apartment building after receiving a report that bats are showing up inside the complex. The apartment residents are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation on that matter. The man faces a dilemma. Polish premiere.


The Last Room on the Left, dir. Adrian Apanel (Poland) 2021, 30’, 16+
A young man is hoping to rent a room. The house is a run-down and it seems weirder with each new tenant he meets. The man wants to get out of there, but it won’t be easy. Film awarded at e.g. “Prowincjonalia” PFF.
The screening with SDH subtitles.


Nov 24 2022


17:00 - 18:15




Main Performance Room, Centre for Culture in Lublin
Peowiaków 12