It’s nice to be part of this festival

Did they quickly come to an agreement on who to award the Golden Anteaters to? Did they have a chance for private emotions and what do they think about the level of this year’s films in the competition? These and other questions were answered in front of the festival camera by this year’s jurors: Magdalena Wleklik, Mateusz Demski and Grzegorz Jaroszuk

Saturday was the last day of the 17th edition of the Lublin Film Festival. Before the official announcement of the results and the awards ceremony, the three jurors gave an interview in an arranged studio. This was the nineteenth and last conversation recorded by the organizers and volunteers from the LFF Media Group during this year’s event.

– What surprised me was the difficulty of the topics these mainly young people face. We dealt with the topic of intimacy of disabled people, domestic violence against children, or stealing from one’s family to achieve one’s personal goals. I must say that it is not very common to watch such short films – said Magdalena Wleklik, a film, television and radio scriptwriter – when Kamil Janas, LFF Media Group volunteer, asked the jurors how they assessed the level of films at this year’s LFF.

– I am delighted, the selection was great. We see very different things from different parts of the world, it’s nice to get to know the perspectives of creators who have different cultural capital. The high level of the LFF was shown by Focus: Storytelling, a competition of full and medium length films, where it was more difficult for us to reach an agreement because we liked each of these films in some way and were charmed or interested in different ways. The level was also high for a festival organized with less resources and a smaller team compared to, for example, New Horizons festival or other events with a huge budget. I am very impressed – said another juror, Mateusz Demski, who is a journalist and a film critic.

Conversations recorded during the festival will be successively made available by the organizers.

LFF lasted from the 17th until the 25th of November. The organizers qualified 9 full-length and 149 short films for the program. They selected them from a pool of 2,030 titles submitted by authors, producers and distributors.


Photo: Amelia Nanowska

In the photo from the left: Mateusz Demski, Grzegorz Jaroszuk and Magdalena Wleklik

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