Jury of the LFF 2020

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Katarzyna Borowiecka

(Mainly film) journalist. Until recently, on the Polish Radio 3, where she prepared, among others, the ABCpopkultura program awarded with MediaTOR. At Canal + she ran the News Film magazine.
For PR3, she spoke with Ellen Page, Antonio Banderas and Orhan Pamuk. For Film News – with Sally Potter, Mike Leigh, Terry Gilliam and Roman Polański.
She runs her own POPcast. Podcast about pop culture.
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Agnieszka Pisarek

Film expert, film critic and educator. She cooperated with many cultural institutions, editorial offices, film festivals and competitions as well as educational institutions, conducting classes in the field of art and marketing at various stages of education. In the years 2010 – 2016 she realized theater performances as a director and instructor of youth and amateur theaters.
From 2016, she has been a co-creator of content on the Sfilmowani channel.
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Dawid Adamek

Computer graphic artist, editor and film enthusiast. Formerly the editor-in-chief of a cultural portal, today the founder and creator of the Sfilmowani channel, which has been running continuously since 2013.

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