Volunteer Entry Form

Hello everyone! We are looking for volunteers who would like to work with us at the coming Lublin Film Festival. Obviously, we want the best of what you have – responsibility, punctuality, ability to anticipate the needs and creativity… We have no doubts that you have all of those.
Many Volunteers have already gained their first experience while working for the LFF.
Your help is indispensible and invaluable for us; it would be very difficult to continue with LFF every year without you.
We need you!
If you want to apply to volunteer with us, fill the following form and send it to festival@lff.lublin.pl
(you can also bring it to us in person or fill it in the Kinoteatr’s offices). Copy it, paste to a text document and then send the filled form.
Part I:
3. Volunteer’s Name and Surname:……………………..
4. Address:……………………………………………………
5. Email and phone number:…………………………………………
6. Age :…………………………….
Part II:
1. What qualifications useful in the festival organising do you have?
2. What languages can you speak /fluent/beginner
3. What would you like to do at the festival?
4. Availability (days and time you are free to work at the festival)
5. Your experience in organising other festivals:
Place, date                                Signature
Our Address:
Kinoteatr Projekt
Centrum Kultury w Lublinie
ul. Peowiaków 12,
20-007 Lublin,
(room 229, II floor)

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